Blog Archive

Sunday, December 18, 2011

WOMAN do you have a friend that is abused or do you suspect something? If you suspect it is probably true. Do you have someone you know that can not shake away or stay away from abuse? Please read this story and take action. If you know someone get help for yourself or for your sister. Woman you are not alone do not be a stat. There is hope for you. May God touch your heart to read and link and get this to all woman. Abuse is in our midst. God Bless and Keep you. Abuse is not acceptable. Please help our neighbors, sisters, children, brothers and friends to get away from the dark into the light. . Amen. Thank You.
In Christ Jesus. Skye

Write you heart out, share your colors with the world. Be published, get heard, get paid. Never
dues or fees. Never ever. Skye

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