Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Writing for Income, No Fees Ever, Get Paid and Published

If you have a desire or burning passion to write and share your colors with the world then I encourage you to go to hubpages and sign up for an account today.  Perhaps this is a calling on your heart. Maybe you have something special you would like to share with others. It could be anything from parenting to canning fruit or vegetables. It could be a personal journey of spiritual growth or a story of your life. In writing the story can stop or end anywhere along the line. If you feel a bit intimidated stop with it now. You can walk into the waters slowly. Trust me if I can you can too. More will be reveaSign up TODAYled to you in your writing. That is what is the wondrous gift of writing it opens doors into our mind, soul, and heart. You can never go wrong when you share from the heart. No one can disagree with your experience, strength or hope.

One thing about hubpages is there is never a fee. If you have been online for any amount of time you know there are allot of wolves that would love to charge you for their services. You do not need to go there, ever. Really there is plenty of work without paying to get in. Think twice is anyone asks for money. This is my experience. When I got to the hubs a whole world opened up for me. It was what I was searching for the whole time. I earn a little money but you know what my faith has really increased. God is provision. He supplies all my needs according to His riches and glory (Phil 4: 13)

Truly God has remarkable ways to surprise those that love Him. His grace carries us when we just can not seem to stand. I am blessed to be in the family of God. We are an out numbered lot.  We will never know a a greater love. If you want to share about Jesus what a better place to share your faith. You have a lifetime of experience to share to touch other lives. So if you feel a bit low or need a pump up then go and write. There is no better way to get from self when sharing the love.  

So do start somewhere, just start. If you are reading this I believe it is not a mistake.

May Gods grace be with you each and every moment.

To sign up today

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