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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Are you nervous to share the Gospel?

I wrote a hub the other day and in it I noticed that my writing had more boldness than it had in my other writing. What had changed? I would like to think I am not nervours nor ashamed to share the Gospel of Grace but there are times I reserved words for another time so not to frighten anyone away. How prideful I could be. What has changed in me?  
Well when writing the hub,' 4 years at the hubs now what?' my mortality moved in my Spirit. We do not know what tomorrow could bring. It is easy to take life for granite. We all make plans for tomorrow and often times the plans change. I know this in my heart by experience. My plans never stay the same. With best intentions they change. ALways for the better. Gods way is far better than our finite minds can muster, Amen? 
We never do know what tomorrow could bring.
During the time I wrote the hub I was not feeling well. I was down with a flu like bug for two-three days. Very thankful on day three I was feeling well enough to put my fingers to the key board.
 God revealed much to me in those days. 
When I was really feeling ill I recall thinking what if I stay like this? When healing came through Christ I was so grateful for my health. It was like I jumped onto another level with the Holy Spirit. He does reveal to us Jesus. . I was just different. I felt I had more power. I did indeed. It was Holy Spirit power. I am not ashamed of the Gospel or to share it. If I have a chance to reach one soul with the love of Christ. I best be prepared to share the truth.
God builds us up in many ways. He uses our experiences to bring Him Glory and strengthn us. He speaks to us in His Word. He uses others to move on our hearts. He is everywhere. He is all powerful. He has already given us everything we need to be bold for Him.
I guess for me I had some breakin down to be done. I am sure there is more. I hope I never think I got it because wheat I got is Jesus, but we always grow in His likeness. It is a journey a process into the divine with Him. How precious is that a [ersonal relationship with Jesus? We have Him who abides in us. He sent us the Helper,the Hoy Spirit. How special is that?
 I can be prideful God does not like pride. I want to sound good enough. Well I know better. God is the only reason I am here today. He saved my life to give me life. How I have taken life which is so dear for granite is selfish.
I am forgiven and the Grace of God moves on me to mold and shape me for His Kingdom. It is like I long to serve Him and all along the way that has been my true hearts desire. I had allot of chipping away to go to get to Gods truth. In Glory He shines. He has Blessed this world with His grace and mercy. He is calling on lost souls to come to HIM. Many trample on the name of Jesus or comprimise His name and word.NO there is no comprimise in the cross. You either believe or you do not. If you do then rise up because we live in a world that so needs to hear. We will be persecuted. Christians are not a real popular lot. We may not be popular but we are not our powered. Please do not forget that.
 We are not in some popularity contest are we? If so maybe it is time to rethink that. God is our source and in the end HIS TRUTH will be revealed. He has already won the battle. Jesus is going to return. The signs are all arournd. Do not be shy to share teh Gospel of Christ. Rise up the Holy Spirit will fill you with His boldness. Ask Him. If you are nervous about sharing Jesus just think about what HE did for you and I at the cross. Do not be condemned, Jesus says there is no condemnation in Christ but what a shame if we hold back a word to not embarass ourself or another. Jesus is not ashamed of us. How could we be ashamed of Him. He is so good. His Love and Mercy and Grace are beyond measure. He is with us. He is for us. WHen you really get that God is for you, your works for Him will bloom.

In His Love, Grace, Mercy  Skye
Please go to my new story for more! I am honored you came over for a visit. Please do return. In the mean time know this. You are loved by and awesome God.

Never Limit what God can do for you.

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